A Century Of Achievement (1951)

South Bank, London. SV. Pan down skylon to general view of crowds at South Bank, dignitaries arriving. SV. Pan, Herbert Morrison, Leader of the House of Commons, walking through crowd. SV. Foreign dignitaries. SCU. Winston Churchill, leader of the Conservative opposition. SV. Dr Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, talking to official. SCU. Chuter Ede, Home Secretary, and Lord Chancellor, Lord Jowitt. LV. Kneller Hall trumpeters playing fanfare. LV. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother) alighting and shaking hands with festival officials, Princess Margaret is standing next to the car. They are visiting the Festival of Britain Exhibition. SV. Pan, King, Queen and Princess Margaret walking through crowd. GV. & SV. Royal party walking towards Dome of Discovery. SV. King shakes hands with Prime Minister Clement Attlee and then with Winston Churchill. SCU. Pan, Queen Mary. SV. Back view, royal party ascending on escalator. SV. Side view, pan, royal party ascending on escalator. SV. Queen, Pr
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