Сидней 2023

Сидней 2023 Соц.сети Alana Holmes Alana Holmes What an amazing day we had. Went to Madam Tussauds Wax museum, at Darling Harbor, then to lunch at Darling Harbor, walking back from lunch across the bridge, we were on our way to the Sydney sky tower and who should come along? David Garrett and one of his band members Jörg. What are the chances. We are still on cloud 9. To think we sat outside the town hall yesterday for 3 hours to try and see David , in hope he would come early for rehearsals. Nothing. Then by some miracle of God we run into him today!🥰🤪♥️🙂 Maria Cassar 😳😳😳 Still in shock. Oops we left poor Jorg out😬😂♥more photos to come of the shots I took of today’s adventures. I’m too tired now and need to eat dinner!
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