Why You Should Have Fewer Opinions

This video discusses opinions: how to have better opinions and why having uneducated opinions makes you totally suck. While, of course, looking at the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Call me old fashioned but it feels like there used to be a little more humility in the world. More people seemed to know how to express an opinion without sounding like asses. People understood that not everything was perfect, sometimes experts got things wrong, but generally, the guy or girl in charge knew what the fuck they were doing. Today, due to the joys of social media, we’re regularly exposed to legions of people who believe they know what the fuck they’re talking about… when they do not. And, unfortunately, the more clueless these people are, the more confident in their pronouncements and opinion they seem to be. In psychology, this is known as the “Dunning-Kruger Effect.” It’s a psychological phenomenon where people who are bad at something believe they are good at it, and people who are good at somet
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