The Brain That Wouldn’t Die - Extended Cut

-SHITTY MOVIE THEATER PROUDLY PRESENTS - Directors print of “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die“ (1962) (82:22 minutes) Released in 1962 but filmed in 1959 for (then) a fairly big budget of $62K, this shitty movie was considered to be too graphic for American television and cut down to 71 minutes for broadcast.. Supposedly, there is an even longer print of 85 minutes. Dr. Bill Cortner (Jason Evers) is an unethical scientist with a dim-wit girlfriend named Jan Compton (Virginia Leith). After a car accident decapitates Jan, Dr. Unethical snatches her severed head and hauls ass to his laboratory, where he revives it, and plots to give her/it a new body. Murder, horny mutants, bullshit scientific theory and pissed off zombie girlfriends ensue.
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