Студеникин А.И. - Физика нейтрино.Часть 1 - 2. Neutrino mass. The end of introduction

00:00:15 The energy spectrum of electrons depends on neutrino mass 00:11:47 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle 00:17:00 The contribution to the final phase space of the final particles 00:19:49 How does the distribution depends on the mass of neutrino 00:25:41 Coulomb interaction of electrons. Curie plot 00:33:53 The case of the mass is not 0 00:46:05 Experiments 00:54:38 The effect of mixing and oscillations of neutrinos Ссылка на плейлист: #физфак #мгу #студеникин #нейтрино #физиканейтрино #neutrino
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