Sabaton - Winged Hussars (Lyrics English & Deutsch)

When at the end of the 17th century the Ottoman Empire had reached its greatest extent, the Turks under Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha tried to capture the imperial city of Vienna and thereby throw open the gateway to Central Europe. In 1683 he laid siege to the fortress with 140,000 troops, while there were only 11,000 men available for the city defense. In the following 60-days lasting siege the Turks built mines below the city walls, which they intended to bring down with explosive charges. These were on the verge of detonating, when on 11 September the Polish-German relief force arrived, with troops from the Holy Roman Empire (Austria, Bavaria, Franconia, Saxony, Swabia) and the Republic of Venice, under the leadership of Poland. The tide of battle was turned on 12 September, when the Polish King John III. Sobieski led his elite troops of the Winged Hussars (Husaria) down the Kahlenberg in the largest cavalry charge in history, battering the Ottoman elite of the Sipahi and Janissaries and entering the en
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