This is the highlight video of KL-EU Interns Get Together that was organized by the Embassy of Belgium in Kuala Lumpur and His Excellency Pascal H. Grégoire. All the intern from different Embassies such as Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Norway, France, German, Denmark in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as well as the TAPiO Management Advisory interns were able to build relationships with each other. Special guests for the event were Her Excellency Ambassador Karin Mössenlechner, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Malaysia, His Excellency Matthias Vanheusden, Deputy Head of Mission of the Belgian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and Mr. Bernhard Schutte, Chairman of TAPiO Management Advisory.
We would like to call out to all students who are interested in having a real hands-on experience in International Business, Strategic Research, Journalism, Graphic Design, Multimedia, Videography, Web Design, and Marketing to join TAPiO Internship Programme. Drop us your inquiry/resume at internship@. Spread the word to tho