Prepositions of TIME! - Learn English prepositions
Prepositions in English are the WORST to understand! I know! In, On, and At are terrible words, however, they don’t have to be too confusing. Today I’m showing you the easy way of understanding prepositions with time by categorising them. Of course English has exceptions and we’ll talk about those too! Oh and there’s a little test at the end to make sure you get everything! :)
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I use these books in my classes! Past papers are ALWAYS the way to go! So if you need to prepare for any of these exams, these are the BEST books that we teachers use!
IELTS Academic Preparation:
Cambridge IELTS:
CPE Preparation:
Barron’s TOEIC:
TOEFL (Both of these ar
2 months ago 00:04:44 1
Prepositions of Place Quiz (Beside - Under - Behind...)