Fujifilm X T30 vs X T200 detailed, not-sponsored

A detailed in-depth hands-on side-by-side comparison of the Fujifilm X-T200 and X-T30 cameras including demonstrations, samples and tests. RELATED VIDEOS ********** This is part one. Part two is here: Detailed review of the X-T30 Preview of the X-T200 TABLE OF CONTENTS ********** 0:00 Intro 0:56 size and weight 1:13 sample images 2:10 wifi app and bluetooth 2:48 screens and specs 3:25 exterior and flash 4:30 battery and SD cards 5:14 dials 6:00 buttons/keys 6:42 shutter demo 7:05 exposure modes 8:29 ISO settings 9:29 auto mode, scenes, filters 10:51 screen display 12:13 touch screen focus 13:00 Q menu 13:18 main menu 13:50 image size and quality 14:13 film simulations #NOTSPONSORED ********** I have not received compensation in exchange for posting this review. If you would like to support me, members of this channel receive additional perks: Or support
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