Horror stories :Haunted mansion

Horror stories :Haunted mansion Far away in the mountains, in a forgotten corner of the earth, stands an ancient mansion, mired in time and secrets. Its walls, soaked through centuries, are ready to receive every trembling, every creaking breath of the night, every sigh of the secret shadows that hide in its dusty corners. This place is called the Forgotten Manor, and there have been rumors among the locals for centuries that something unknown lives there, disturbing the peace of the manor and haunting those who dare to enter it. One day, on a dark and gloomy evening, a group of brave souls decided to check the veracity of these rumors. They laughed at the warnings of the old-timers and, armed with flashlights and cameras, set off on the road to the Forgotten Manor. Under the moonlight, they approached the gates of the mansion, and their hearts began to beat faster as they felt a strange heaviness in the air. But having decided on a bold act, they went inside. The first thin
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