U.S. Marine Corps Commercial: Anthem :72 (Public Service Announcement)

With a legacy of battles won, the Marines have consistently been ready when our Nation was least ready, demonstrating a tradition of fighting and winning, always with a willingness to engage and determination to defeat any enemy. Their victories and achievements, in both war and peace, on and off the battlefield, have created significant moments in history for our Nation. Anthem illustrates the historic battles Marines have fought and won, including: • Belleau Wood – After 20 days of intense fighting during the German Spring Offensive of WWI near the Marne River in France, Marines secured victory and—according to legend—earned the nickname “Teufel Hunden” or “devil dogs.” • Montford Point – The Montford Point Marines achieved victory at home when in 1942 President Roosevelt established a directive to allow African American men to fight for the Marine Corps; on the field they helped to win battles and changed the face of the Marine Corps. • Iwo Jima – Amidst some of the fiercest and bloodiest fight
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