Red Flood Super Events – Viktor Puzo Russian Reunification (1k views special)

//DISCLAIMER: this video is a work of fiction; any similarities to actual personalities and events are coincidental and unimplied. This content is not meant to propagandize any ideologies, statements and/or actions portrayed within it, as well as insult anyone, and is purely humor-based content unwarranting legal actions.// This video has been created to celebrate the positive response for the first super-event compilation, reaching it’s first 1,000 views in less than 4 days. It serves as a thank-you to everyone who slowly help overthrowing old commercials re-uploads (not intended as the channel’s purpose) from their “most watch“ position – and as a testament that there will definitely be more. “Post-Syomin (Re-)Reunification“ is officially in the works! // Это видео создано в качестве признания позитивного принятия первой компиляции супер-ивентов, набравшей 1,000 просмотров менее чем за 4 дня. Оно служит благодарностью для всех, кто помогает убрать перезаливы ста
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