Make your IOD Molds look like Glazed Pottery

Hello Creatives! Are you ready for a fun fast DIY project? I figured out by accident that resin castings from Iron Orchid Designs can resemble glazed pottery. Imagine my excitement! Join me as I use the new IOD Dewdrop Pond Mould and Debi’s DIY Making Powder to create adorable magnets and plant stakes. I couldn’t resist adding castings of the IOD Toadstool Mold, and I see many more designs in my future! The depth and detail in these moulds, as well as the vibrancy of the DIY Pigments are incredible— and once you add the secret ingredient, you’ll be hooked! I’d love to hear what you think! This video is part of the Iron Orchid Designs Spring release party playlist! If you want to see other tutorials featuring the new release items, view the rest of the playlist here: If you love this video, I would love it if you would hit subscribe and follow my Youtube channel. Ready to get updates about Ser
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