Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is May 26, 1978, and this is my Audio letter No. 34.

The time has now come for me to take pause and to take stock of the desperate situation facing us. I have worked as hard and as faithfully as I know how to do for five years, and I believe I should give you my honest evaluation of the success or failure of what I have been trying to do. I am not making a career of this. EITHER THE PLANS OF OUR SECRET RULERS FOR WAR AND DISASTER WILL BE STOPPED--OR THEY WILL STOP US! My three special topics for today are: Topic #1--THE BATTLE OF MIDWAY REPEATED IN SPACE; Topic #2--EARTHQUAKES, WEATHER CONTROL, AND HUNGER IN AMERICA; and Topic #3--THE PUBLIC CONFESSION OF DR. BETER.
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