Shaolin Kung Fu: small penetrating-arms form

Shaolin Kung Fu penetrating-arms style (通臂拳: tong bi quan) by monk De Cheng __________________ - combat strategy: this style teaches penetrating opponent’s guard. its main tactics are: tactic 13 - “befriend far enemies, attack the neighbor (远交近攻)“: if the opponent puts part of his body openly close to you, it is an easy target, attack it as heavily as possible. tactic 14 - “borrow a way to attack the city (假道伐虢)“: if the point you want to attack is guarded by the opponent, open a way in his guard. as the saying goes, ’hands open doors for the legs.’ hands are faster and more accurate, but legs have more power and range and are also armored with the shoes. hands open opponent’s guard, legs break him. tactic 15 - “shut the door to catch the thief (关门捉贼)“: catch the opponent and drag him towards your attack, to block his esc
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