Pastor Mike Online 7-11-24 Pastor Mike has a visitor Chris from TX in the studio today as he discusses modern Bible translations vs. the King James Bible. If you’ve never heard of the KJV Bible Controversy, this video will be very enlightening! Presenting verifiable facts-no conjecture. Factor in that the Greek NT, is entering in to its 29th edition. Why? Remember the rules of copyrighting: the work must be significantly different than the previous work. It all boils down to $$$. If a book is copyrighted, then people must pay to use it in other work. The KJV is not copyrighted, other than the Crown’s Royal Letters patent. It can be reproduced, copied, printed freely! Freely you were given freely you should give. Q & A session: 1)The Gap Theory? A direct result of dispensationalism, using RSV translation because it fit the doctrine, and not vice versa. Meaning of the word: Replenish. No gap exists in the creation whatsoever. 2) Worship on the Sabbath Day? Saturday or Sunday? 7th Day Adventist doctrine. They say Sunday worshipers are cursed. But worship on Saturday (Satan’s day) is divine, all by revelation by an angel who came to Ellen G. White, the sect’s founder. But what did the Apostle Paul say about an angel coming to deliver a different gospel? 3) Flat earth? 4) United Pentecostalism, 4) when will the Rapture happen? 5) the salvation question--what does it take to be “saved“. How about doing your OWN study with the free Bible software (King James Pure Bible Search) and see for yourself what the Bible says. No pastor, teacher is the final authority--only Holy Scripture!! Doing another feeding in Turkana, Kenya, please help if you can!!
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