Teste dein Sprachgefühl A1 | Test your German A1 | German for beginners | Learn German

#LearnGermanOriginal #LearnGerman #germanlevela1 Learn German lessons online for beginners course - We help you learn German in a quick and easy way. In this video we will be testing your feel of the language that means would you know how to complete a sentence, if one word or two words are missing? In other words - wir testen dein Sprachgefühl. Kanalmitglied werden und exklusive Vorteile erhalten (Become a member and get exclusive access to our Material): NEW!!! Download worksheet for FREE here: Download TRANSCRIPT here: Podcast for this Video: Watch our Playlists- A1 - A2 - Grammar - Vocabulary - Speaking - Do like our facebook page for more tips and interesting facts about Germany and other German speaking countries : FACEBOOK: Also visit us here: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: GOOGLE : Learn German online for free with easy to understand lessons on our channel “Learn German“. YOUTUBE: Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel on YouTube and start learning German today!
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