How to Walk in Argentine Tango 🕺💃🏽 - A basic Tango class for all levels: Training by Sayaka y Joscha

You want to learn Argentine Tango? You are a tango dancer & want to improve the basics. 🕺 I can’t walk! That’s usually the first discovery of dancers, who start to dance tango and it’s a neverending process of trying to perfect our walk. Starting with the very basics, this is the best tutorial for starting argentine Tango as a beginner. Enough said though, let’s do the first steps together! ️️️➡️ Want to learn Argentine Tango? Ask the best dancers in the world what’s most important to learn - they will tell you it’s how to Walk. This lesson is for all levels (Pros & Beginners) and it’s the perfect start when you just want to build a good foundation for your Tango journey. ️️ We will break it down into small steps showing you how to lead from the hips and the pelvis, how to ground each other while dancing, and improve the quality of your communication in tango. Whether you are a complete
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