China has successfully developed super chips! It is too late for the US to restart chip cooperation!

Welcome to VOC - Vision of China,Explore China’s remarkable achievements in superchip development and the United States’ efforts to navigate chip cooperation in this in-depth video. In mid-October, the US Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security expanded restrictions on advanced chip exports to China, sparking global debates about technology and international politics. Discover how these measures, aimed at safeguarding national security, have led to unexpected consequences. China’s relentless commitment to technological innovation and autonomous development has resulted in significant domestic achievements, even challenging the performance of American chips like NVIDIA A100. China’s technology sector, undeterred by external embargoes, has disrupted global markets, from high-speed rail technology to innovative products like Betagro. As China achieves domestic substitution in various fields, it’s reshaping the global technology landscape, impacting global technology collaboration and competition. Join us as we delve into China’s incredible technological ascent and the need for a reassessment of perspectives on Chinese technology. The future promises more groundbreaking achievements, injecting renewed vigor into the global technology sector.“
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