Classification of Pteridophytes with Example | Classification | Plant Kingdom @biologyexams4u

8 Minute simple summary of Classification of Pteridophyta by Smith (1955), Bold( 1957) and Zimmerman (1959) Please support us by subscribing using the link: 0:00 Introduction 0:29|| Definition of Pteridophyte? 1:06|| Outline of Classification of Pteridohyta 1:54|| Characteristics of Psilophyta with Psilotum as example 3:28|| Characteristics of Lycophyta with Lycopodium as example 4:50|| Characteristics of Sphenophyta with Equisetum as example 6:00|| Characteristics of Pterophyta with Pteris as example || Summary of Classification of Pteridophyte Fritsch’s classification of Algae: Classification of Pteridophytes Ainsworth classification of fungi flowchart with examples and simplified notes #biologyexams4uvideos #pteridophyta #classificationpteridophyte Biologyexams4u network is dedicated to create and share simplified biology learning resources to students as well as teachers globally. We firmly believe that our simplified content will help you to improve your understanding and generate curiosity and interest in Life Sciences. Thank you so much for your consistent support. Visit our Websites *About Biology Exams, Preparation tips, and Notes: *MCQ in biology: Wide collection on Multiple Choice in Biology *Interactive Biology Quiz *Difference between reference site primarily focused on biology Examples of everything Thank you so much
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