Racine - Teaser

Racine - карточная игра, в которой бои автоматизированы, а все действия происходят в реальном времени. Думайте быстро и действуйте молнейносно, ведь ваши противники неумолимы, а ваш герой мало что сможет сделать сам. Исследуйте странный, но почему-то знакомый мир и раскройте секреты внезапного восстания духов! В этой карточной игре в реальном времени вы столкнетесь с опасными врагами, и ваш путь будет полон трудностей, но благодаря картам вызова, которые вы найдете по пути, вы сможете раскрыть тайны, скрытые в мире Racine. Explore a strange yet somehow familiar world and uncover the secrets behind a sudden spirits uprising! In this real time card game, you will face dangerous foes, and your journey will be full of struggles, but thanks to the summoning cards you’ll find along the way, you shall be able to unveil the mysteries hidden in the world of Racine. Racine is a card game unlike a card game in which combats are automated and all actions happen in real time. Think fast and act quickly, for your opponents are relentless and your character won’t do much on his own. Help him by using cards with various effects and ensure that he will be able to take on the oncoming fights. The boosts you give to your character carry on between the encounters, so think wisely about the kind of cards you will take on your journey or else, you may be sent back to your starting point sooner than you think. Inspired by the classics of Japanese animation, we aim via the story of our game to discuss important contemporary subjects such as the relations between humans and nature, using our gameplay and graphics to support an original and immersive tale.
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