Tomb Raider Custom TRLE - Folklorist Diary: The Abyss Of The Horizon | Level 5 (by Leoc1995)

Playthrough of the fifth level of “Folklorist Diary: The Abyss Of The Horizon“, a custom TR2 TRLE levelset designed by Leoc1995. This particular level is called “Hanging Prison“. Video recorded with OBS Studio. ITEMS OF NOTE: 1:06 - Folklorist Stone 6:09 - Stone Dragon (secret) 10:45 - 2 Folklorist Stones 11:03 - Gold Dragon (secret) Download this TRLE levelset here: Note: this is a redo of a TRLE levelset I originally played live on Twitch in September 2019. The old videos of the levelset have been deleted.
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