Asmr- PERSONAL ATTENTION 💅🏽💇🏻‍♀️🎀 Barbie style 🎀 for SLEEP 💤

YOU WANTED IT, YOU GOT IT! 😉😍 This isn’t much of a role-play guys, just a few blonde clip in hair extensions, and some really pink lipstick lol… But some good tingly Barbie chatter, and our usual content. If you fall asleep, go back and watch the end… I talk about a podcast I am looking into doing… Would love your feedback! This one is definitely softer and slower… Be on the lookout for a really fun collab with such an amazing crestor!! 🥰🥰🥰… Will be posted on the eighth! Love you guys so much will be going live within 30 minutes on my ASMR TikTok I am taking orders on my website and I am opening Cameo up with 10 spots!! Become a patron if you haven’t already and watch live replays and exclusive ASMR content. I will post all of my links down below! #asmr #sleep #personalattention WEBSITE CAMEO Patreon
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