А lonely life of a Russian village. Asmr sounds

“I was born in an orphanage. That’s what I was told.“ Life of a Russian village inhabitant. Asmr “I was born in an orphanage. That’s what I was told. Because they picked me up on the railroad. My stepfather was a military man, they were traveling from the Chinese Railways road. We came to the city of Kirov and there they gave me to an orphanage. Then they took me away. Then my home life began, so to speak. In short, then they had their own child. And I began to learn life myself... Hello! We are the Ulengov family - Tatiana and Maxim. We travel to different regions of Russia and show you how people live russian remote villages. Village life, not embellished real life as it is. We are interested in learning how our ancestors lived, to study their traditions and to master ancient crafts. On this channel, we want to implement our ideas. We will show you the usual village life, everyday life, cuisine of the peoples of Russia close to us, their crafts.
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