The Last OLD BELIEVER in Bashkir-Tatar village. Russia nowadays life

The Last OLD BELIEVER in Bashkir-Tatar village. Russia nowadays life Recipe for Tatar Echpochmaks: dough: whey 300 ml (milk can be used), salt to taste, 1 tsp. baking soda, ghee 100 gr, flour. Leave the dough for 30 minutes. Filling: 300 gr minced meat, 300 gr potatoes, 150-200 gr onions, pepper, salt to taste. Hello! We are the Ulengov family - Tatiana and Maxim. We travel to different regions of Russia and show you how people live in russian remote villages. Village life, not embellished real life as it is. We are interested in learning how our ancestors lived, to study their traditions and to master ancient crafts and meals. On this channel, we want to implement our ideas. We will show you the usual village life, everyday life, cuisine of the peoples of Russia, their crafts. As a Country Life Vlog, we love to share what people do in the countryside, how do they live in nowadays, engage with nature and make the most out of village life. Come and watch the colorfu
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