The Right Honourable J. H. Thomas M.P. edits Gaumont Graphic item on lacrosse game (1928)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Video Roll Title: R. Hon. J.H, Thomas M.P. P.C. edits Gaumont Graphic 1836. Plus Lacrosse:? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION - THIS ISSUE OF GAUMONT GRAPHIC IS EDITED BY THE RIGHT HON J H THOMAS P.C., M.P. ENGLAND: London INT J H Thomas M.P. seated at desk writing and stopping to speak on telephone/ Thomas puts his spectacles away and leaves his desk / Thomas sits at another desk and plays gaumont graphic footage of girl’s game of lacross and takes notes /Slate - Women’s Lacrosse Battle - Lacross teams and game in progres...s Background: Video Roll Title: R. Hon. J.H, Thomas M.P. P.C. edits Gaumont Graphic 1836. Plus Lacrosse: England v. The Reserves: Thomas edits Garphic No. 1836 Graphic: Mr. J.H. Thomas edits Graphic issue no. 1836 James Henry Thomas Political General Secretary of National Union of Railwaymen F
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