SNH48 鞠婧祎《孤独与诗》MV ♪她很清楚越往更高越是寂寞 故事越長就越沒有人聽她訴說♪| Ju Jingyi “Loneliness and Poetry“ MV

#SNH48#鞠婧祎 关注SNH48,欢迎订阅频道: 鞠婧祎《孤独与诗》 鹿儿岛 一人旅行 看着庭院喝茶放空 看着酒客熙来攘往 却仍旧找不到彼时的自我 沉浸在山林 呼吸芬多精的气息 重拾归真 让璞石都化作光芒 即便通往峰顶的路途是如此孤独 也将用余生作纸 写下史诗 SNH48不仅仅是一群青春洋溢的漂亮女孩,也不仅仅是偶像的概念。她们在音乐上有着独特的风格,是新生代偶像的代表。SNH48完全打破了传统偶像组合”先封闭培训,再出道推广“的形式,用专属剧院公演、握手会、年度总选举等方式,让粉丝们能够最大程度地见证、参与到成员们的成长中来。 SNH48 isn’t just a group of young, pretty girls, and the group’s concept is not just about “being idols“ either. These girls have their unique music style, and are one of the leading idol groups of younger generations. SNH48 goes beyond the traditional way of creating an idol group (where trainees only debut after a period of secluded training). Instead, by means of exclusive theater performances, handshake events, annual general elections, etc., they let their fans witness and be “involved“ in each member’s growth as a singer to the utmost. More SNH48 music videos: -- SNH48 GROUP《那年夏天的梦》MV: -- SNH48 鞠婧祎 Ju Jingyi 《青城山下白素贞》MV: -- SNH48 7senses “7Senses“ MV: -- SNH48 TOP16《魔女的诗篇》 MV: -- All official music videos, including the above, are included in: ~实时更新,欢迎订阅~ Subscribe for more amazing updates!
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