How to Adapt Cookie Dough for 3-D Projects: A Series of Controlled Recipe Tests

Hi, everyone! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if gingerbread is the only cookie dough that can be used for 3-D projects. Or why some doughs crack and spread, and others don’t, when baked over curved surfaces or molds. And so . . . I decided to create this video to answer these questions definitively, once and for all! This video is less demonstration and more lecture, controlled experiments, and food science, so I encourage you to get comfy, get rid of any distractions, and take out a notebook or laptop to record key points along the way. In other words, this video requires more concentration than usual! :) In it, I examine both the recipe- and process-related variables that make my Cutout Cookie Gingerbread (the dough I most often use in my videos) perform well for 3-D projects. (I briefly touched on these topics in my earlier “Cutout Cookie Gingerbread Dough” video, link below, but here I go much deeper.) In a nutshell, the less any dough spreads, the less it will c
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