I Made Searchlight from Fallout: New Vegas in Far Cry 5 Arcade!

Searchlight - with it’s iconic green glow and terrifying ghoul presence. I just recently started a new character in Fallout: New Vegas and visiting this place to gather reference for this recreation in Far Cry 5 was a challenge because I wasn’t a high enough level to survive for long! I don’t remember the last time simply gathering reference for a recreation was so intimidating. It’s funny how I have accidentally stumbled upon a game within a game within a game - Trying to survive in Fallout New Vegas to gather reference to recreate it inside a level editor inside another game (Far Cry 5). Madness and I love it. With Fallout 4 next-gen remaster just around the corner, would you like to see the same treatment for Fallout: New Vegas? Let me know your thoughts down in the comments. Cheers!
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