Immemorial - ’Panic’

Immemorial - ’Panic’ ( single, 2024 ) Music by Immemorial Mix & master - Łukasz ’Peo’ Pomietło Video recording & editing - Filip Musiatowicz Lyrics - Marta Meger FB: Insta: *** PANIC You count the days and hours that follow Another heart attack within minutes You drown in your body and hold your breath And it was supposed to be so beautiful... You try to gather your thoughts together Your peace has been taken away, you can’t escape it Trembling body, unable to release emotions A silent scream that only you can hear Fear of the chemistry released in your mind It controls every cell and poisons your being Breaking out of this vicious circle seems impossible You are once again overcome by pain Your thoughts are flat and desperate Surviving another attack is like winning another life Lack of control causes suffering Another attempt at liberation is useless You count the days and hours that follow Another heart attack within minutes You drown in your body and hold your breath And it was supposed to be so beautiful... Immobilized by fear, you grasp greedily for life Which is about to disappear, only to reappear in a moment The cold wave of sweat is on forehead again You gasp for air so as not to suffocate Out of control, rapid breathing, Saved... till the next time
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