Fred again.. - Energy Crew Minimix

So I did a minimix for Annie Mac. And seeing as this is the week Stormz’s album is coming out and we made a few tunes for that it felt kinda right to make the mix kinda about this. I’ve said to him a bunch of times that it’s a strange and beautiful thing that the best thing I’ve done in music was hit record on my iPhone in a mad room in Johannesburg wit jay z like 9 months ago or sumin. Cos it was responsible for the most iconic intro to the most iconic set. Also it was mad cos I was at glasto and Stormz’s set was about to start n i had sent him the Johannesburg vids like a couple days before bein like yoooo this has GOT to be your intro!! But I hadn’t heard back. N then the screen jus flashes up AND THEY HADNT EVEN CROPPED OUT THIS MUGS FACE! I was like I mean surely the one thing you do for suuurrrre is crop out the random brehs face right? Anyway then we all jus got absolute mash up as is very clear from my post from then So this little BELTER of a mix is a tribute to that day and what f
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