Phil Schneider [Denver, November 1995 - Full Lecture]

“The late Phil Schneider, a retired(by his choice) U.S. government geologist, talks about his days building deep underground bases for the government - Over 131 in the ., 1 mile or more down, the involvement with alien (E.T.) technology, samples of elements up to atomic # 140, are showen. The advanced “stealth“ technology involved the use of alien metals. This video, made in Denver in November 1995, was “lost“ until late august 1996, when it was recovered. This is the last known video made of Phil Schneider while he was still alive. He was “terminated“ on, or about 11 January 1996. Surviving is his former wife, Cynthia Dreyer (Schneider), and his daughter. May his message travel far - to alert all of the terrible dangers facing all of us.
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