A Ukrainian conscript heavily wounded was abandoned by his own and he decided to surrender to the russians to save his own life

◾A Ukrainian conscript heavily wounded was abandoned by his own and he decided to surrender to the russians to save his own life, the men where thrown to the front lines with no training, equipment or commanders: - We have never been in combat, we were thrown there, without an officer, without anything. I was supposed to be a driver, but appeared to be in infantry, I asked, they said, it doesn’t matter what’s written. - ...we called for evacuation, and were ordered to wait, and then guys began to die. I was injured, the wounds were open, smell, flies, that’s all. I decided to get out of there. ◾Follow: Источник: Juan Sinmiedo/Fearless John/Ukraine exposed. [id342915501|@Youblacksoul]
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