Vanishing Lake - Irish Set Dance Music! (Speed 68 BPM, Composed by Francis Ward) | Katy Adelson

Here is a video of the Irish set dance tune, “Vanishing Lake,“ played at the speed of 68 BPM, and composed by Francis Ward (winner of the Marie Duffy Foundation Excellence Award In Irish Dance Music Composition). This is a popular tune among Irish step dancers, and is often used in various competitions. I debated about repeating it a second time like I do for my other videos, but I watched many dance videos with this tune, and this video follows the same format they were in (playing the A part 3 times, and the B part once). Picking a tempo was also tricky. I settled on speed 68 because it was easier to convert 6/8 timing to within Logic to an even-numbered speed, and it seemed to be a common speed found in the dance videos I was watching. I noticed that dancers were step-dancing the actual rhythm of the melody line, and some of the higher speeds seemed almost impossible to follow to me! I know I could never step-dance that fast... It was tricky to get this tempo in Logic Pro (or maybe I h
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