Не было такой... // Boris Grebenshikov & BG+ // Berlin, 1 Nov 2022

There Was No One Like You And Will Never Be I know one song, it flies never touching the ground. Summer won’t burn it, January won’t cool it down. You may berate it, or you may praise it, But there was no one like it and will never be. I know one song, it tastes like a fire, Who tasted it once won’t ever forget it. If only I had enough strength to return this gift myself. There was no one like you and will never be. In the dark alleys angels are weaving a lace, And all of my words are washed away by rain. And the sound is just barely echoing in silence: My love, we shall overcome. Let it be so, yes means yes, The one who is sinking will be none worse for it. But in the sky above me there is still the same star, There was no other and never will be. не-было-такой-и-не-будет ~~~~ Boris Grebenshikov - vocal, guitars Alexander Titov - bass Andrey Surotdinov - violin Brian Finnegan - flute Konstantin Tumanov - keyboards Liam Bradley - drums About Boris Grebenshikov - Source of the video -
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