(With Sub) I had a fitful night’s sleep. Hope you too😥|CAN I STEP IN : EP5
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The next thing I knew, I was thinking about you. Need something else to make me focus on other thing👀!
[Event Announcement]
Everyone enjoying ’Can I Step In?’. Gmarket Global is here to give special gift🎁. 2gether, let’s make a guess about a storyline! How’ll Alex, Seung Hyun, and Tae Jun love-line will end? Who is Ji Hu? Why is he looking for Yeon Ah🧐? Please share your guesses via comment! We’ll give ’Can I Step In’ script with ONF & Hwan
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1 week ago 00:03:42 143
Guide To New Subclasses In Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 8 (Part 1)