DIR EN GREY - Cage [eng sub] LIVE HD

Here is “Cage“, taken from their Tour14 Psychonnect -Mode Of “Gauze”?-. It won in the poll against “Yurameki“, which was to decide the order I’m going to do the songs in. This one has a few annotations, so take a look! Translation by me. Annotations: “You’re my last mother“ - The lyrics have “mother“ in English throughout the song, but I didn’t use italics because he changes it to “mama“ throughout. “Seeing me repulsed“ - Just to clarify, the one who is repulsed is “me“. “The jarring sound of skin is painful“ - The word used for “skin“ usually refers more to the skin of animals, gives off a rougher impression. “The abuse when I was little - Even now I never want to forget it“ - Without looking at the lyrics, sound-wise, this line sounds like it could also mean “Even now I can’t forget it and it hurts“. “Why don’t I have a mother?“ - Or “Why isn’t my mother here?“. “Please recognize the kindness one day - Inside the ’cradle’ that is your holy mother“ - These two lines seem to have a shift in perspective, as this sounds more like something the woman/women our protagonist meets tell him; asking him to recognize what true maternal love means - definitely not abuse. Also, the lyrics say “holy mother“ (聖母), but Kyo sings it just as “mother“. “Because of my grief - I can’t see ahead“ - As in, “I can’t see what’s in front of me“, “I can’t see the future“. “If this kindness is going to dry up - [...]“ - Kyo changed this entire verse in this performance. I did this part by ear, and later found that a native speaker had done the same, which helped me confirm and re-evaluate some parts: The original lyrics say: Even if the clock ran counterclockwise The sins I committed can’t change I destroyed the first and last one who understood me --------------- I do not own Dir En Grey or any of their music or performances. I translate for fun and wanted to share this translation. Thank you for watching!
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