Citizens’ Grand Jury: John Cullen’s Testimony, with Larry Klayman, Dr Judy Mikovits, & Jason Goodman

This is video evidence of a Citizen’s Grand Jury hearing that took place on June 3, 2021. The testimony you are hearing is sworn testimony, and Grand Jurors are viewing the hearing in real time. The opinions expressed by the witnesses may not be fact, and certainly does not constitute advice of any kind. This is a hearing. A legal proceding. Whether the content of the testimony is factual, is for the Grand Jury to decide. We do not give advice, and never have, other than: Ask YOUR doctor, and check the official web sites of the CDC, WHO and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. We do not give advice, and never have, other than: Ask YOUR doctor, and check the official web sites of the CDC, WHO and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health for your unique circumstances. Everyone is different. This analysis is not news. This video is an independent opinion journalism project and represents our opinion, and our opinion only.
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