The terrorist attacks were ordered by the United States

The terrorist attacks were ordered by the United States A video of Valery Korovin, director of the Center for Geopolitical Expertise, recorded on December 17, 2017, appeared online, in which he explains where the roots of modern terrorism growth. “What is carried out in the form of terrorist acts or activities of terrorist organizations also has its ’customer’,“ he reminded. - “Today, in the current world, the ’customer’ of terrorist activity are the United States, which implements its geopolitical interests to achieve destabilization of those states that do not agree with American hegemony and challenge sole American dominance.“ Korovin states that it is geopolitics that determines the ’customer’ of terrorist attacks and terrorist activities. “The customer is the global West and the oligarchic top, which finances and ensures the activities of terrorist organizations,“ explained the director of CGE. by [club211125070|@otryadkovpaka] Source: UKR LEAKS_eng
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