Just pay a 10 year premium!
Maybe you are already familiar with a statement from insurance marketers who are very diligent in offering policies: “Just pay the premium for 10 years, you can relax for the rest, but you will still enjoy insurance protection for the rest of your life!“
Of course, those who listen to insurance marketers’ offers and statements immediately fall in love! This is the experience of many people who misunderstand insurance marketers’ statements, which do not explain the continuation of these statements. Because everything that is conveyed by marketers and any product offe
...rs, of course contains applicable terms and conditions.
Of course, you often see asterisks (*) which are deliberately written in small font so that people don’t pay too much attention to them. Of course this can be categorized as a strategy or trap.
I want to emphasize, as a sound practitioner and insurance lecturer, that the protection obtained is always directly proportionaShow more