Unissued / Unused material.
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip in Turin, Italy.
Various shots of Queen and Duke at civic reception given for them on their arrival in Turin. Panning shot Queen’s car with motorcycle escort en route to Italia 61 exhibition. Travel shot of exhibition building.
Various shots as Queen and party approach monorail. LS monorail train moving with Queen’s car and motorcycle escort in foreground. Various shots Queen and Duke descending steps and getting into car.
CU officials waiting at railway station talking together. MS train drawing in. MS as Queen and Duke alight from train and are greeted. MS crowd waving. Various shots as they leave station. Various shots as they arrive at Italia 61 exhibition and look round.
Various shots monorail. Various interior and exterior shots of exhibition. Various shots as Queen and Duke make their way up to monorail. LS people outside building. LS train going round. MS one exhibit showing date 1861 - 1961.
Cataloguer’s note: Col