Fairytale Parade (1961)

Spalding, Lincolnshire. Various shots of a field of brightly coloured tulips; an elderly man in a flat cap, Charles Shaw, examines some blooms. Men and women working in the fields are seen taking the heads off tulips and putting them in sacks; men are then seen emptying boxes of tulip heads into huge piles. M/Ss and C/Us of two women threading the heads onto garlands. Various shots of people working on carnival floats that are being covered with hundreds of different coloured tulip heads. A girl is helped onto a finished float that shows two huge tulip bumble bees; she sits on a seat behind them - unfortunately, her face is obscured by bee-wings! Mr Van Driel from Holland, who designed many of the floats, is seen looking at a plan for a ’Cinderella’ carriage float; he lowers the plan so we can see the finished float of three card horses leading a fairy tale tulip coach containing a fairy tale female (a real one!). Angled C/U of RAC signs pointing to ’Flower Parade’ and ’Decorated Floats’. M/S of
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