Greece Battered! Hurricane Daniel Explosion Bombards Kardista Mercilessly, 14 Killed

Greece Battered! Hurricane Daniel Explosion Bombards Kardista Mercilessly, 14 Killed The rainstorms have also hit neighboring Bulgaria and Turkey, leaving 14 people dead in the three countries, including three people in Greece. Among the worst affected areas is Magnesia in the Thessaly Region, where 280 people have been rescued or evacuated and 350 buildings pumped of water. volos floods palamas floods kardista floods istanbul flooding samsun flooding tsarevo floods Başakşehir storm daniel greece storm daniel turkey storm daniel bulgaria istanbul flooding skiatos flooding fujian floods typhoon haikui taitung typhoon haikui taiwan bahia floods brazil storm brumado floods nevada floods las vegas flooding super typhoon saola china super typhoon saola taiwan tphoon saola shenzen Guangdong typhoon guadalajara flooding jalisco Storm Zapopan Floods Naucalpan hurricane idalia big bend storm surge key wes
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