UPSC CSE Interview Toolkit

No success is forever and no failure is final. Life is about journey as its experiences shape you to evolve. The path that you follow matters more than the cause you aspire. So, if you have reached thus far, there is no looking back, only forward. As you ride the tide of time through its ups and downs at this early stage of your life, you have traversed and touched upon the limits of the conscience space that we define as information, knowledge, and understanding of the perceived reality. You know that in your sub-conscious and deep conscious lies the confidence and humility to see you through this stage by just being honest to yourself. It’s time to revisit your journey lived through thus far and dig deep into your experiences, events, and people who have been with you in your mind and your heart. This workbook rather a white canvas of you is a unique attempt to paint your conscious and the sub-conscious, and figure out the ‘one thread’ that gives meaning to the cause. So, as you start visualizin
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