Cinematic Video Color Lut 2021 – Easy Use by Ata Sabouri
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Color grading is an important aspect in the video editing process. This bundle includes unique movie LUTs from the IMDB Top 100 movies. You can use this bundle to boost your video production quality. This pack was handcrafted by our team and high gathered up our favourite and best LUTs, then compiled them into a big bundle. We’ve spent many years crafting LUTs, which means we now have a huge collection of styles suited for all occasions.
* 300 original LUTs
* Top movies like: Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, The Godfather, Joker, Inception, Scarface, Batman, Pulp Fiction, Starwars, etc…
* Compatible with every video editing software on Mac and Windows
* Easy to use
* Digital download
* Original Handcrafted