Denis Compton, Sportsman Of The Year Dinner (1949)

This is a duplicate copy of item - check for best quality. Cuts for the following story: Savoy Hotel, London. CU. Aneurin Bevan Minister of Health listening to speech. CU. Bevan speaking. LS. Bevan picking up cup before handing it to Denis Compton Sportsman of the Year, cricketer & footballer. CU. Compton speaking. ’I can carry on anyway to try and please the people and try and play the game the way they want it. I may not be so successful but if I can do something to please them, score a 100 or get 0, if I get it the right way, that’s the main thing and as long as I can continue to hold up the sort of right spirit of the game, both of cricket and of soccer. To those, who ran 2nd., 3rd., 4th., and 5th, I would like to congratulate them, especially, may I say Freddy Mills. I met him South Africa and I think he did a great job of work for British boxing last year and I think he deserves a better place. MS.... everybody most sincerely for coming along this evening and to all the people that v
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