Ensemble of percussions of Mark Pekarsky, DJ Hans Shulman, Vladimir Smolyar

IX International Christmas Festival of Arts in Novosibirsk (musical part) 8 December 2011 Philharmonic chamber hall Ensemble of percussions of Mark Pekarsky (Moscow) DJ Hans Shulman Video-artist -- Vladimir Smolyar Mark Pekarsky «ANTIFONES» He has made them of Vladimir Martynov’s мusical pieces: “DAILY ROUTINE“, “HIERARCHY OF REASONABLE VALUES“, “FINDING OF ABSOLUTELY FINE SOUND“. Video-installation “1151120100800240057“ It had make from the prepared record a daily announcement of 1st TV channel with a fragment A. Pettai’s installation “Fractal“ by V. Smolyar and performed by... Alexander Pettai МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЕ ЛАНДШАФТЫ Марка ПЕКАРСКОГО «АНТИФОНЫ» музыкальная композиция, созданная из произведений Владимира Мартынова. “РАСПОРЯДОК ДНЯ“, “ИЕРАРХИЯ РАЗУМНЫХ ЦЕННОСТЕЙ“, “ОБРЕТЕНИЕ АБСОЛЮТНО ПРЕКРАСНОГО ЗВУКА“ Видео-инсталляция “1151120100
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