Discover the France Korea Next Generation! | Bastille Day 2021 - FKCCI x French Embassy in Korea

The French-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry launches the video series “France Korea Next Generation“ in partnership with the French Embassy in Korea, ! Young French people living in Korea are in the spotlight. The French MZ generations - “millennials” from 1984 to 1996 and “Z” from 1995 to 2010 - show a growing interest in Korea and more and more of them are choosing this country to carry out their projects and fulfill their expectations. The ”International Internship in a Company” program (in French “Volontariat International en Entreprise” or ), an alternative to expatriation and local recruitment, is one of the opportunities offered by France. It allows a young person aged 18 to 28 to have professional experience lasting 6 to 24 months in a French company or institution based in Korea. End-of-study internships, working holiday visas and entrepreneurship are also part of the professional projects of young French people in Korea. That is why, at the occasion of the French National Day, Bastille
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