Scenes of destruction in Houston, Texas! 124 mph wind storm destroys houses and cars

Scenes of destruction in Houston, Texas! 124 mph wind storm destroys houses and cars At least seven people were killed in the Houston area on Thursday as a devastating storm complex with winds up to 100 mph ripped through the region, causing power outages that could last weeks context of rising temperatures. The death toll rose Friday night from the four deaths officials reported earlier in the day. #Houston #Texas #America #storm #flood #flashfloods #floods #rain #weather #heavy rain #climate change #wind #hail #flood #natural disasters #tsunami #news #disaster #earthquake Our content discusses natural disaster news and latest weather forecasts around the world including: storm, tornado, flood, flash floods, earthquake, heavy rain, hail, hailstorm, gale, climate change, weather warnings, volcano, cyclone, bad weather, today’s weather news, list of natural disasters, natural disasters caught on camera
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