How Do Australian Farmers Deal With Millions Of Invasive Animals?

How Do Australian Farmers Deal With Millions Of Invasive Animals? Rabbits, feral cats, wild pigs, and large South American toads have become a serious threat to Australia’s ecosystem. To cope with these animal species, Australian farmers have had to implement various measures. One of the preventive and control methods is the use of fencing and electric fences to prevent them from encroaching on crop areas and farms. Additionally, farmers have improved livestock management to ensure safety and reduce the risk of impact from invasive species. Furthermore, monitoring and reporting the presence of these animal species have become an essential part of the management process. This helps relevant authorities take swift action to halt their spread. Collaboration with research groups and the government to explore ways to optimize management and eradicate these species is also a crucial part of the coping strategy. In the future, finding more effective measures to control and prevent the
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